I hate the "I'm so busy" truism that most of us are afflicted with in modern life, so I've tried to make mine original by saying: "I'm uncomfortably busy right now." What I'm actually trying to convey with this little phrase is that I don't want to be so busy and that it is uncomfortable and that it's only right now--it's not a perpetual state that I will choose to remain in. It's right now while my husband's new office space needs attention to be ready for business. It's right now while we enter the holiday season. It's right now while so many good things to be involved in doing sprang up so quickly that I'm left with not even enough time to go out and buy the new shoes that I badly need. I'm not talking about a stereotypical woman's love affair with shoes. I'm talking about my shoes are so old that rainwater seeps into them, that one pair fell apart completely, and that my feet are sore every night in exaggerated ways. I'm talking about actually needing new shoes, not just coveting them!
I love my therapeutic exercise of blogging and I hope to have more time to do it soon, and more nights that I'm not drooling on my pillow by 9:30pm. But blogging, like Facebook, is something that I can put aside when my days are full up. I've drafted posts in my head, like I've drafted thank you notes and birthday cards that have never seen a stamp or envelope. I do, however, manage to keep up on my favorite blog (SouleMama) and squeeze in a few visits to a couple others (recently, LifeInGrace and Monked&Fifed) in the beloved blogosphere. I love SouleMama for many reasons, but one of them is that there is a rhythm and a schedule to her blog, so I know that Fridays will simply be a photo of a special moment, the weekends feature her sponsors and their giveaways, and M/T/W/Th will be snapshots of her life of home, family, farm and craft. Blogging really takes time, and those who do it regularly are truly committed to it. I admire them and love to read their blogs, but I honestly wouldn't want to manage a much-visited and commented-upon blog. But, as an acquaintance in high school commented once when I said I couldn't imagine being a supermodel: "Oh, Sara, you'll never have to worry about that!" (It was funny, honest and a little mean.) I like that my blog is quietly waiting here for me when I get the urge.
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