Monday, September 03, 2007

Look Who's 3, Looking like a Tough Guy!

Happy Birthday, sweet, sweet boy!

Mommy loves you so, so much.

Serious Business

Knox was a serious and careful
present opener. He didn't show
any excitement about his gifts
until a few minutes after they were opened.
Does birthday letdown set in at 3?
Perhaps he already senses that his haul is rather modest!

Mighty Mac!

Great Grandma gave Knox his much-coveted
two-faced train Mighty Mac. He has a face at
each end. Knox has been having Mighty Mac
sneezing on all the other trains due to allergies!

Piece de Resistance

Mom, my cake decorating class in third grade
paid dividends, eh?! Knox wanted a sprinkle
cake this year. It looked like a donut.
We'll see if I get more advanced in future years!

Chariots of Fire

Knox repeatedly ran down the beach and landed
plop! on his bum in the water, making a splash.
He worked very hard to impress a cute blond
(not pictured)
in pigtails and a white frilly bikini (she was 3).
She asked me, "Is he my best friend?"
I said, "Absolutely!"
Anything to help my boy bag the cute blonds!

Sunny Days at Stony Creek

Our favorite place to be this summer
was a tiny beach in Branford, CT,
called Stony Creek. It faces the Thimble
Islands and is the perfect size for wee ones.
He made his debut appearance there in
the nude, but subsequent visits have all
included proper swimming attire. Meme
and Grandpa Terry went with us during
their visit.